Past Events (Page 2)

Bishop’s Visit

Bishop Dorsey McConnell will be visiting Church of Nativity for the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 17, 2017! Please join the parish family for this special day that will celebrate the Confirmation of Michael Kozy, and Aidan & Marah Carney.

Church Decorating / Pizza Party

Many hands make light work…of both church decorating and pizza. Join the parish family of Nativity on Saturday, December 9 for an evening of both work and fun as we prepare the worship space to celebrate the birth of Our Lord! Decorations will be broken out at 4 p.m., with pizza to follow around 5:00…

Parish Picnic

Join us for food and fellowship at the annual Parish Picnic, rain or shine!  Festivities begin following the 10 a.m. service. While we will provide hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks, please feel free to bring your favorite side-dish or dessert.

Maundy Thurday Service

Join us for a unique and touching service of the church year, in which we remember the night before Jesus’ Passion, and his command to serve one another in humility and love. The term “Maundy” has its roots in Middle English, derived from the Latin “Mandatum”, meaning “command”, referring to Jesus washing his disciples feet…

Maundy Thursday Potluck

Join us for food and fellowship before our Maundy Thursday service! Feel free to bring your favorite dish, or just bring yourself. Dinner starts at 6 pm.